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Monday, 22 March 2021
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:00 to 09:40 Carl M Bender (Washington University, St Louis, USA) Introduction to PT symmetry

By using complex-variable methods one can extend conventional Hermitian quantum theories into the complex domain. The result is a huge and exciting new class of parity-time-symmetric (PT-symmetric) theories whose remarkable physical properties are currently under intense study by theorists and experimentalists. Many theoretical predictions have been verified in recent beautiful laboratory experiments.

09:40 to 10:20 Pijush K Ghosh (Visva-Bharati University, Bolpur, India) Pseudo-unitary transformations and solvable models of vector non-linear Schrodinger equation with balanced loss and gain.

Vector Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation(VNLSE) appears in the description of a variety of physical phenomena. Novel features arise when equally Balanced Loss-Gain(BLG) terms are added to the system. The VNLSE with BLG is analyzed from the viewpoint of solvabiliy and exact solutions. It will be shown that a class of VNLSE with BLG can be mapped to the same system without the BLG term by using pseudo-unitary transformations. The mapping is used to construct exactly solvable models.
Examples will be presented to elucidate the general result.


10:20 to 10:40 Ranjan Modak (BHU, Varanasi, India) Entanglement entropy in PT invariant non-Hermitian lattice models

Much has been learned about universal properties of the eigenstate entanglement entropy for one-dimensional lattice models, which is described by a Hermitian Hamiltonian. While very less of it has been understood for non-Hermitian systems. In this talk  I will discuss   a non-Hermitian, non-interacting model of fermions which is invariant under combined  PT transformation. Our models show a phase transition from PT unbroken phase to broken phase as we tune the hermiticity breaking parameter. Entanglement entropy of such systems can be defined in two different ways, depending on whether we consider only right (or equivalently only left) eigenstates or a combination of both left and right eigenstates which form a complete set of bi-orthonormal eigenstates. We demonstrate that the entanglement entropy of the ground state and also of the typical excited states show some unique features in both of these phases of the system. Most strikingly, entanglement entropy obtained taking a combination of both left and right eigenstates shows a divergence at the transition point. While in the PT-unbroken phase, the entanglement entropy obtained from only the right (or equivalently left) eigenstates shows identical behavior as of an equivalent Hermitian system which is connected to the non-Hermitian system by a similarity transformation.

10:40 to 11:00 Ciaran McDonnell (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK) Influence of long-range hopping on the topological properties of the SSH model

We investigate the influence of the presence of long-range hopping in the topological properties of the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. In particular, we go beyond considering a power-law decay of the hopping rate, which may justify the addition of only next-nearest neighbors hopping, and study a fully connected system, i.e., where the hopping can occur across the full lattice. We explore in all cases the variation of the winding number and the presence and robustness of edge modes in the presence of disorder, and the compliance of the bulk-boundary correspondence. We find that, independently of the range of the interactions, the latter is satisfied when the symmetries of the underlying system are kept unchanged. As the chiral symmetry in the system is broken, on the other hand, also the bulk-boundary condition is broken. Remarkably, in this case, we report the emergence of a different set of edge states in the fully connected system. Throughout the paper, we use an atomic gas of atoms coupled to a waveguide as an underlying physical system to test our results.

11:00 to 11:20 Federico Roccati (University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy) Quantum correlations in PT-symmetric systems

In my talk I will discuss the dynamics of correlations in a paradigmatic setup to observe PT-symmetric physics: a pair of coupled oscillators, one subject to a gain one to a loss. Starting from a coherent state, quantum correlations (QCs) are created, despite the system being driven only incoherently, and can survive indefinitely. Both total and QCs exhibit different scalings of their long-time behavior in the PT-broken/unbroken phase and at the exceptional point (EP). In particular, PT symmetry breaking is accompanied by non-zero stationary QCs. This is analytically shown and quantitatively explained in terms of entropy balance. The EP in particular stands out as the most classical configuration, as classical correlations diverge while QCs vanish.

11:20 to 11:40 Pinaki Patra (Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College, Kolkata, India) Coherent state structure of pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian systems with position-dependent effective mass.

The exact solvability of pseudo-Hermitian ($\eta H$) Hamiltonians for position-dependent effective mass systems is revised. With the aid of the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism, a class of ($\eta H$) Hamiltonians can be factorized. It turns out that, under a deformed algebra of generalized position and momentum, a coherent state structure of the system exists.

11:40 to 12:00 Rajesh Kumar Yadav (SKM University, Dumka, India) A family of rationally extended real and PT symmetric complex potentials

The discovery of two new orthogonal polynomials also known as Xm Exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials leads to search a new family of exactly solvable (ES) real as well as PT symmetric complex potentials. These new potentials are the rational extension of the known ES conventional potentials. Some of the rationally extended real and PT symmetric complex potentials with their solutions in terms of these polynomials are discussed. Keywords: New orthogonal polynomial; Rationally extended potential, PT symmetric potential.
References: [1] D.Gomez-Ullate,N.Kamran,R.Milson,J.Math.Anal.Appl.359(2009)352.
[2] D.Gomez-Ullate,N.Kamran,R.Milson,J.Phys.A43(2010)434016.
[3] C.Quesne,J.Phys.A41(2008)392001.
[4] S.Odake,R.Sasaki,Phys.Lett.B684(2010)173; Phys.Lett.B679(2009)414;
[5] R.K.Yadav,A.Khare,B.P.Mandal,Ann.Phys.331(2013)313; Phys. Lett. B 723 433 (2013); Phys. Lett. A 379 (2015) 67.
[6] R. K. Yadav, N. Kumari, A. Khare and B. P. Mandal, Ann. Phys. 359 (2015) 46.
[7] N. Kumari, R. K. Yadav, A. Khare, B. Bagchi and B. P. Mandal, Ann. Phys.373 (2016) 163.
[8] R. K. Yadav, A. Khare, N. Kumari and B. P. Mandal, Ann. Phys.400 (2019) 189.

17:00 to 17:40 Franco Nori (RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan) A summary of some of our results on non-Hermitian quantum mechanics and PT-Symmetry in Optics.
17:40 to 18:20 Ali Mostafazadeh (Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey) Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and low-energy scattering in one dimension

Scattering of low-energy waves has numerous applications in different areas of physics and engineering. This has motivated the development of a rigorous mathematical theory of low-energy scattering in one dimension. For exponentially decaying potentials this theory provides a rather elaborate scheme for computing the coefficients of the series expansion of the reflection and transmission amplitudes in powers of the wavenumber k. In this talk, we offer an alternative and much simpler approach to low-energy scattering that relies on the dynamical formulation of stationary scattering. This is an approach to potential scattering in which the transfer matrix is related to the time-evolution operator for a non-unitary two-level quantum system. The coefficients of the low-energy series for the scattering data depend on a pair of solutions of the zero-energy Schrödinger equation. We introduce a transfer matrix for the latter and relate it to the evolution operator for another non-unitary two-level system. Our approach applies to both real and complex scattering potentials. We use it to treat the low-energy potential scattering in the half-line and comment on its utility in the study of transmission of scalar waves through a traversable wormhole. 
1. A. Mostafazadeh, “Solving scattering problems in the half-line using methods developed for scattering in the full line,” Ann. Phys. (NY) 411, 167980 (2019); arXiv:1910.07382.
2. B. Azad, F. Loran, and A. Mostafazadeh, “Transmission of low-energy scalar waves through a traversable wormhole,” Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 197 (2020); arXiv:2010.15023.
3. F. Loran, and A. Mostafazadeh, “Dynamical formulation of low-energy scattering in one dimension,” preprint arXiv:2102.06084.

18:20 to 18:40 Andrew R Wilkey (Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) Anti-PT symmetric dynamics in delay-coupled semiconductor lasers.

We report on the experimental realization of an anti-PT symmetric system in a pair of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers. Using a theoretical analysis based on an effective Hamiltonian rate equation model, predictions of delay-induced laser intensity behavior are presented and compared to numerical and experimental results. Excellent agreement is found between all three.

18:40 to 19:20 Peter Millington (University of Nottingham, Nottingham , UK) Non-Hermiticity: a new paradigm for model building in particle physics

Non-Hermitian quantum theories have been applied in many other areas of physics. In this talk, I will review recent developments in the formulation of non-Hermitian quantum field theories, highlighting features that are unique compared to Hermitian theories. I will describe their second quantisation, their crucial discrete symmetries and how continuous symmetry properties are borne out, including Noether's theorem, the Goldstone theorem and the Englert-Brout-Higgs mechanism. As examples, I will describe non-Hermitian deformations of QED, the Higgs-Yukawa theory and flavour oscillations, illustrating the potential implications for the neutrino sector.  Together, these results pave the way for a systematic programme of non-Hermitian model building beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

19:20 to 20:00 Miloslav Znojil (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Prague, Czech Republic) Exceptional points in closed Quantum systems

During the early history of quantum physics the Kato's exceptional points (EPs, a.k.a. non-Hermitian degeneracies) of Hamiltonians $H(\lambda)$ did not play any significant role. In experiments, due to the Stone's equivalence between Hermiticity and unitarity, the existence of the (never real) EPs was only indicated by the avoided level crossings. Recently, an {\it ad hoc} weakening of the Hermiticity (replaced by the quasi-Hermiticity) opened new theoretical horizons. In particular, it offered an innovated picture explaining the quantum phase transitions as a phenomenon mediated by the accessibility of certain real EPs $\lambda^{(EP)}$. In the talk, some aspects of the realization of the unitary access to these EPs will be reviewed and discussed. Several schematic, exactly solvable models will be chosen for illustration purposes.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:00 to 09:40 Naomichi Hatano (Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan) Non-Hermitian Fabry-Perot Resonances in a PT-symmetric system

In non-Hermitian scattering problems the behavior of the transmission probability is very different from its Hermitian counterpart; it can exceed unity or even be divergent, since the non-Hermiticity can add or remove the probability to and from the scattering system. In the present paper, we consider the scattering problem of a PT-symmetric potential and find a counter-intuitive behavior. In the usual PT-symmetric non-Hermitian system, we would typically find stationary semi-Hermitian dynamics in a regime of weak non-Hermiticity but observe instability once the non-Hermiticity goes beyond an exceptional point. Here, in contrast, the behavior of the transmission probability is strongly non-Hermitian in the regime of weak non-Hermiticity with divergent peaks, while it is superficially Hermitian in the regime of strong non-Hermiticity, recovering the conventional Fabry-Perot-type peak structure. We show that the unitarity of the S-matrix is generally broken in both of the regimes, but is recovered in the limit of infinitely strong non-Hermiticity.
This talk is based on the following paper:
Ken Shobe, Keiichi Kuramoto, Ken-Ichiro Imura, Naomichi Hatano,
Non-Hermitian Fabry-Perot Resonances in a PT-symmetric system,
arXiv:2011.02097; submitted to Phys. Rev. Research

09:40 to 10:20 Bhabani Mandal (BHU, Varanasi, India) Deconfinement to Confinement as PT phase transition

By considering the natural hermiticity property of the ghost fields we cast SU(N) QCD  as non-Hermtian but PT symmetric model.  We explicitly study the PT phase transition in this model. This is the very first such study in the non-Hermitian gauge theory. The ghost fields condensate as a direct consequence of spontaneous breaking of PT symmetry. This leads to the realization of the transition from deconfined phase to confined phase as a PT phase transition in this system. The hidden C- symmetry in this system is identified as inner automorphism in this theory. Explicit representation is constructed for the C-symmetry

10:20 to 10:40 Eli Barkai (Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel) Quantum first detection problem.

We review the first quantum detection problem, under repeated strong measurements. Focusing on the return problem and stroboscopic smapling, Grunbaum et al. showed that the mean return time, for a finite dimensional system is quantized, and equal to the number of distinct energy levels in the system provided that all have a finite over lap with the detected state. Close to critical sampling times, the variance of this time exhibits large fluctuations which we analyse. We show how similar effects are found in the Zeno limit for a non-Hermitian model, and for random sampling times. The effect is related to a topological invariant, and it implies that the mean return time, is insensitive to the sampling rate. For the transition problem, namely when the initial and final states are orthogonal, we find rich classes of behaviors.

10:40 to 11:00 Kuljeet Kaur (IIT - Bombay, India) In Search of Quantum Phase Transition in Transmon Qubits.

Study of dissipative quantum system is an active topic of research. Recent research on two level systems like Rabi model; shows interesting progress, which motivates us to work in this direction. However, experimental isolation of such two level system is difficult. We studied experimentally more promising system of artificial atom made from electronic components. Variational theory and numerical renormalization group (NRG) methods are implemented on a dissipative quantum system of superconducting qubits coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators. We studied ground state properties of the system and calculate the system parameters as a function of coupling strength. From the results we observed that there is no quantum phase transition in transmon regime, therefore the system remains in delocalized phase. An unexpected behavior of spin-coherence is observed in that limit which makes the system more phase coherent.

11:00 to 11:20 Adittya Dwivedi (BHU, Varanasi, India) Higher Loop $\beta$ Function for Non-Hermitian PT Symmetric $\iota g\phi^3$ Theory

We investigate Non-Hermitian quantum field theoretic model with $\iota g\phi^3$ interaction in 6 dimension. Such a model is PT-symmetric for the pseudo scalar field $\phi $. We analytically calculate the 2-loop $\beta$ function and analyse the system using renormalization group technique. Behavior of the system is studied near the different fixed points. Unlike $g\phi^3$ theory in 6 dimension $\iota g\phi^3$ theory develops a new non trivial fixed point which is energetically stable. Existence of new non-trivial UV fixed points is also shown for three and four loop $\beta $-functions.

11:20 to 11:40 Tony Jin (University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland) Stochastic description of noisy open quantum systems.

The Lindblad equation has emerged in the previous decades as a powerful and practical tool to describe the evolution of Markovian open quantum systems. By construction, all evolutions generated by Lindbladian can be seen as the average evolution of an underlying stochastic Hamiltonian. I will present this formalism and show some examples where the description of the quantum system beyond its mean entail a rich behavior where quantum fluctuations play a key role.

11:40 to 12:00 Devashish Jayant Tupkary (Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada) Thermalization and non-equilibrium phenomena in open spin chains

We derive and study the Born and Markov approximated Redfield, local-Lindblad and the recently derived universal Lindblad quantum master equation, for open Heisenberg XXZ and XX spin chains coupled to multiple thermal reservoirs. In the equilibrium scenario, over a wide range of the intersite coupling parameter, we find that the Redfield and universal Lindblad approaches correctly predict the expected thermal steady-state, wheareas the local-Lindblad approach is inadequate. In the case of non-equilibrium baths at different chemical potential and/or temperature, Redfield predict a non-monotonic behaviour of current with the intersite coupling parameter, which is completely missed by local-Lindblad. For the XX chain with baths attached at the edge sites, we also derive closed-form analytical results for time dynamics of two-point correlation functions. We use these results to present an important flaw in the universal Lindblad approach, by showing that it does not obey the continuity equation for spin current. Finally, we find that the universal-Lindblad boundary current agrees with the Redfield current. Hence, we argue that the correct way to compute current in the universal-Lindblad approach is via boundary currents.

17:00 to 17:40 Joshua Feinberg (University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel) Quasi- and Pseudo-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory

Quasi-hemitian (QH) and pseudo-hermitian (PH) matrices are matrices which are hermitian with respect to a non-trivial positive or indetermine metric, respectively. QH and PH Random Matrix Theory, a new branch of the traditional hermitian and non-hermitian RMT, studies probability ensembles of QH and PH matrices. Some motivation for studying QH and PH RMT comes from PT-symmetric systems and also from systems with gain-loss balance. In this talk I shall review recent progress and results in QH/PH RMT.

17:40 to 18:20 Fabio Bagarello (University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy) Ladder operators and related bi-coherent states

Ladder operators are used in quantum mechanics in several contexts, and are usually attached to suitable commutation or anti-commutation relations, as in the bosonic and in the fermionic cases. Since some years, raising and lowering operators not connected by the "standard" Dirac adjoint and acting on biorthogonal families have been considered, mainly in connection with non self-adjoint Hamiltonians. In this talk we discuss some recent results on these operators and on their connected bi-coherent states. The mathematical role of distribution theory in this analysis is discussed.

18:20 to 18:40 Marta Reboiro (National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina) Exceptional Points from the Hamiltonian of a hybrid physical system.

We study the appearance of Exceptional Points in a hybrid system composed of a superconducting flux-qubit and an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy color centers (Nvs) in diamond [1]. We have modeled the dynamics of the system through a non-hermitian Hamiltonian, to take into account the effect of the environment on the ensemble of NVs. Though the Hamiltonian does not preserve PT-symmetry, the spectrum consists of real eigenvalues or complex-conjugate pair eigenvalues, and it shows the characteristics features of a system with gain-loss balance. We discuss the possibility of controlling the generation of Exceptional Points, by the analysis of the model space parameters. One of the characteristic features of the presence of Exceptional points is the departure from the exponential decay behavior of the observables as a function of time. The study of the matrix elements of the Fourier Transform of the Green Matrix provides information on the transition probabilities of the states of the original base as a function of time. Thus, we can prepare robust initial states by combining the states which show large transition probabilities at long intervals of time. It is observed that in the regime of real spectrum, the initial state evolves in time showing a periodical pattern of collapses and revivals. In this regime, the states are periodically squeezed. While in the regime of complex-conjugate pair spectrum the steady-state is not a squeezed state, and anti-squeezing is observed. For certain values of model space, the steady anti-squeezed steady-state has mean value of the total spin of the NVs equals zero. At these values, we have shown the presence of Schrödinger spin cat states, that is states which are a superposition of two coherent spin states. We have extended the previous analysis to systems with a larger number of NV--color-centers in diamond and we have found a regular pattern of Exceptional Points and a regular pattern of steady Schrödinger spin cat states. Work is in progress concerning the analysis of hybrid systems with more than one superconducting flux qubit, interacting with an ensemble of NVs. [1] R. Ramírez, M. Reboiro, D. Tielas, Eur. Phys. J. D, 74, 193 (2020). Synopsis reported in Europhysics News 51 issue 5 (2020),
Authors: R. Ramírez, M. Reboiro, D. Tielas.

18:40 to 19:20 Andreas Fring (City University, London, UK) Complex solitons in integrable systems with real energies, nonlocal gauge equivalence and BPS solutions from duality

I will demonstrate how new integrable nonlocal systems in space and/or time can be constructed by exploiting certain parity transformations and/or time reversal transformations possibly combined with a complex conjugations. By employing Hirota’s direct method as well as Darboux-Crum transformations I will show how to construct explicit multi-soliton solutions for nonlocal versions of Hirota’s equation that exhibit new types of qualitative behaviour. I will exploit the gauge equivalence between these equations and an extended version of the continuous limit of the Heisenberg equation to show how nonlocality is implemented in those latter systems and an extended version of the Landau-Lifschitz equation. I conclude by discussing different types of non-Hermitian field theories that allow for the construction of well-defined Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) soliton solutions by imposing self-duality. I will argue that the reality of the energy of these solutions is due to the topological properties of the complex BPS solutions. These properties result in general from modified versions of antilinear CPT symmetries that relate self-dual and an anti-self-dual theories. The talk is based on joint work with Julia Cen, Francisco Correa and Takanobu Taira.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:00 to 09:40 Yogesh N Joglekar (Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) Quantum Exceptional Points: Challenges and Opportunities

Exceptional points (EPs) are degeneracies of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians where both eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors coalesce. Over the past five years, EPs in open wavesystems with gain, loss, or both, have been intensely explored due to their topological properties and enhanced sensitivity. In this classical domain (the number of energy quanta is much larger than one), the non-unitary dynamics of a system are accurately described by an effective, non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. In contrast, the dynamics of a minimal quantum system, inevitably coupled to the environment, are described by a Lindblad equation for its density matrix. I will review the challenges for realizing a quantum system that undergoes the non-unitary, coherent time evolution generated by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, or more generally, parity-time symmetric quantum systems. I will then show how these challenges can be overcome in multiple platforms comprising ultracold atoms, integrated or table-top quantum photonics, and superconducting qubits. This work was done in collaboration with Le Luo group (Sun Yat-Sen University), Anthony Laing group (Bristol), and Kater Murch group (Wash U).

09:40 to 10:20 Prashant Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata, India) Zero-width resonance: A symmetry perspective

Using supersymmetry, a family of PT-symmetric complex potentials are obtained, that are isospectral to free particle in an infinite potential well, and are generalizations to the cosec2(x) potential. In the complex plane, the infinite box is extended parallel to the real axis, having a real width that is an integral multiple of a constant quantum factor, arising due to boundary conditions necessary for maintaining the PT-symmetry of the superpartner. As the spectra of the particle in a box is still real, it necessarily picks out the unbroken PT-sector of its superpartner, thereby invoking a close relation between PT-symmetry and SUSY for this case. The algebraic structure of the wavefuntions in the broken and unbroken phases of PT is illustrated, with emphasis on the zero-width resonance. The SU(1,1) symmetry of the scattering states connects the aforementioned planar geometry, with the origin of the zero-width resonance. The phases of broken and unbroken SUSY and PT-symmetry, as well as their connection with iso-spectral deformation are shown.

10:20 to 10:40 Mohammad Hasan (ISRO, Bengaluru, India) Understanding Hartman Effect: Possible role of PT-symmetry

The quantum tunneling is one the earliest studied problems of quantum mechanics. However how much time does a particle takes to tunnel through a classically forbidden potential is still an open problem. In the year 1962, Hartman studied the problem of tunnelling time by using stationary phase method (SPM) and showed that the tunneling time is independent of thickness of classically opaque barrier for a sufficiently thick barrier. The saturation of tunnelling time with the thickness of the barrier for an opaque barrier is known as Hartman effect. This paradox is not yet resolved.

We investigated the effect of PT-symmetry in the tunnelling time as calculated by SPM. We find that for system respecting PT-symmetry, the tunneling time saturates with the thickness of the P T-symmetric barrier and thus shows the existence of Hartman effect. For the case when PT-symmetry is broken, the tunneling time depends upon the thickness of the barrier and Hartman effect is lost. It is also found that the Hartman effect from a real barrier is due to the limiting case of a layered PT-symmetric system. Thus it appears that PT-symmetry may be playing some role in the occurrence of Hartman effect. We also present results of two general theorems related to Hartman
effect in this talk.

10:40 to 11:00 Chia-Yi Ju (National Chung Hsing Univsersity, Taichung, Taiwan) The Geometry of Quantum States

It has been argued that the existence of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics would contradict with many phenomena and ideas taken for granted in the quantum information community. These notorious facts often lead to the conclusion that either some physics laws need to be forfeited or non-Hermitian quantum mechanics just does not exist in the first place. Nevertheless, we found that modifying the geometry of the Hilbert space, where the quantum states lie in, might be a solution to these paradoxes. In this talk, we will demonstrate how the geometric information of the Hilbert space can be extracted from the Schroedinger's equation. By taking the Hilbert space metric into account, we find that the behavior near exceptional points are quite similar to phase transitions.

11:00 to 11:40 Konstantinos Makris (University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece) Non-Hermitian Disorder: Spectra, Localization, Dynamics

The scattering of waves through disordered media is a paradigmatic phenomenon that has captured the interest of various communities of physics for quite some time now. Recently the problem of localization attracted renewed interest as research moved to two largely unexplored directions, namely the many body interactions, and the effect of non-Hermiticity. In this talk, we will try to answer some of the main questions that stem from the interplay of disorder and non-Hermiticity in scattering media and optical lattices, in the context of non-Hermitian photonics [1]. The first part of the talk will be devoted to a generalization of the concept of plane waves that is possible only in non-Hermitian media [2]. The experimental
observation of such constant-intensity (CI-waves) in the acoustic regime [3], as well as, their application to suppression of localization and unidirectional invisibility [4,5] will be presented. In the second part of the talk, we will examine the effect of uncorrelated complex disorder in optical waveguide lattices [6]. At the end, we will discuss recent results regarding pseudospectra of non-Hermitian matrices with higher order exceptional points. Connection of the above topics to non-
Hermitian random matrices will be also examined.

[1] R. El-Ganainy, K.G. Makris, M. Khajavikhan, Z. H. Musslimani, S. Rotter, and D. N. Christodoulides, “Non-Hermitian Physics and PT-symmetry”, Nat. Phys. 14, 11 (2018).
[2] K.G. Makris, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, Z.H. Musslimani, and S. Rotter, “Wave propagation through disordered media without backscattering and intensity variations”, Light Sci. Appl. 6, e17035 (2017).
[3] E. Rivet, A. Brandstötter, K.G. Makris, H. Lissek, S. Rotter, and R. Fleury, “Constant-pressure sound waves in non-Hermitian disordered media”, Nat. Phys. 14, 479 (2018).
[4] A. Brandstötter, K.G. Makris, and S. Rotter, “Scattering-free pulse propagation through invisible non-Hermitian media”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 115402 (2019).
[5] K.G. Makris, I. Kresic, A. Brandstötter, and S. Rotter, “Scattering-free channels of invisibility across non-Hermitian media”, Optica 7, 619 (2020).
[6] A. Tzortzakakis, K.G. Makris, and E. N. Economou, “Non-Hermitian disorder in two-dimensional optical lattices”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014202 (2020).

11:40 to 12:00 Debashree Chowdhury (IIT Roorkee, India) Exceptional Physics of multi-Weyl Semimetals

In this talk, I would like to discuss about the light-driven exceptional physics in a multi-Weyl semi-metal. The driving plays a key role in controlling the position of the exceptional contours (ECs). Besides, light also has the ability to generate new ECs. Interestingly, we have demonstrated that the parameters of the model has interesting effects on topological charge distribution and Lifshitz transition [1]. Our findings present a promising platform for the manipulation and control over exceptional physics in non-Hermitian topological matter. 1. Light-driven Lifshitz transitions in non-Hermitian multi-Weyl semimetals, Debashree Chowdhury, Ayan Banerjee, Awadhesh Narayan, arXiv:2012.00618, Communicated to journal, (2020).

17:00 to 17:40 Garmon Savannah (Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan) Coexistence of Exceptional Ring and Exceptional Surface in a Doped Molecular Chain

In this work, we reveal the occurrence of higher-dimensional exceptional manifolds in the spectrum of a magnetized donor atom at the endpoint of a molecular chain. We demonstrate the presence of both an exceptional ring and an exceptional surface in the parameter space of an externally applied magnetic field, which reflect underlying symmetries in the model. We propose electron spin resonance (ESR) as a method to observe these exceptional manifolds in experiment. We emphasize that the exceptional manifolds arise in our system due to the influence of the microscopic degrees of freedom ascribed to the molecular chain. This is as opposed to treatments in which explicit non-Hermitian elements are introduced to represent macroscopic approximations over such degrees of freedom. [1] Yujin Dunham, Kazuki Kanki, Savannah Garmon, Gonzalo Ordonez, Satoshi Tanaka, arXiv:2012.14655

17:40 to 18:20 Tanmoy Das (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Hidden gauge symmetry in the PT-symmetric quantum world

Lord Kelvin proposed that atoms could be none other than topological knots. Dirac and Skyrme proposed that the quantization of electric charge and baryons, respectively, is a manifestation of topology. A combination of quantum gauge theory and fiber bundles describes these properties. The recent development of the PT-invariant (P=parity, T=time-reversal symmetries)  quantum theory is a new revolution, promoting novel quantum and topological phenomena (see the review article in Ref. 2 below). I will show that a consistent PT invariant quantum theory requires a (local) gauge symmetry, and the Hilbert space of the quantum theory is defined by the winding number of the emergent gauge field. The gauge field's topology and its other consequences and experimental manifestations will be discussed with specific examples.

1.       A new Berry phase term in parity-time symmetric non-Hermitian spin-1/2 quantum systems, A. Ghatak, T. Das, arXiv:1907.07333.
2.       New topological invariants in non-Hermitian systems, A Ghatak, T. Das, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 263001 (2019) [Review article].

18:20 to 18:40 Archak Purkayastha (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland) Emergent PT symmetry in a double-quantum-dot circuit QED set-up
Starting from a fully Hermitian microscopic Hamiltonian description, we show that a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian emerges naturally in a double-quantum-dot-circuit-QED set-up, which can be controllably tuned to the PT -symmetric point. This effective Hamiltonian governs the dynamics of two coupled circuit-QED cavities with a voltage-biased DQD in one of them. Our analysis also reveals the effect of quantum fluctuations on the PT symmetric system. The PT -transition is, then, observed both in the dynamics of cavity observables as well as via an input-output experiment. As a simple application of the PT -transition in this set-up, we show that loss-induced enhancement of amplification and lasing can be observed in the coupled cavities. By comparing our results with two conventional local Lindblad equations, we demonstrate the utility and limitations of the latter. Our results pave the way for an on-chip realization of a potentially scalable non-Hermitian system with a gain medium in quantum regime, as well as its potential applications for quantum technology.
Reference: Archak Purkayastha, Manas Kulkarni, and Yogesh N. Joglekar, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043075 (2020).
18:40 to 19:20 Vibhor Singh (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Superconducting hybrid device with a transmon qubit

Control over the quantum states of a massive oscillator is important for several technological applications and to test the fundamental limits of quantum mechanics. Recently, hybrid electromechanical systems using superconducting qubits, based on electric-charge mediated coupling, have been quite successful in this regard. In this talk, I shall introduce a hybrid device, consisting of a superconducting transmon qubit and a mechanical resonator coupled using the magnetic-flux. Such coupling stems from the quantum-interference of the superconducting phase across the tunnel junctions. Consequently, we detect thermomechanical motion using drive corresponding to average occupancy of less than one photon. In addition, the large coupling between qubit and mechanical resonator is manifested in the observation of the Landau–Zener–Stückelberg effect.


Thursday, 25 March 2021
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:00 to 09:40 Bijay Kumar (IISER - Pune, India) Photonic and electronic properties in quantum dot circuit-QED systems

In this talk, I will discuss both coherent photonic and incoherent electron transport properties in voltage biased quantum dot circuit-QED systems. For the photonic part, I will discuss transmission spectroscopy, the photon amplification principle, and the statistics of emitted photons below and above the masing threshold. The impact of large scale systems on photon gain will also be discussed. In the last part of the talk, I will discuss the steady-state electron transport properties to better understand the intricate interplay between light and matter

09:40 to 10:20 Prasanna Venkatesh (IIT, Gujarat, India) Read-out of Quasi-periodic Systems using Qubits

In this talk I will discuss a theoretical scheme to perform a read-out of the properties of a quasi-periodic system by coupling it to one or two qubits. We will show that the decoherence dynamics of a single qubit coupled via a pure dephasing type term to a 1D quasi-periodic system with a potential given by the André-Aubry-Harper (AAH) model and its generalized versions (GAAH model) is sensitive to the nature of the single particle eigenstates (SPEs). By coupling a single qubit to the chainand examining the non-markovianity of its dynamics we can obtain information about the localization properties of the SPEs. In contrast, by attaching two qubits to distinct sites we can extract the transport properties of the quasi-periodic system (including the localization length) from the dynamics of the qubits' correlations. The talk will be based on arXiv:2009.12813 (joint work with Madhumita Saha and Bijay Agarwalla).

10:20 to 11:00 Abhishek Dhar (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India) Non-Hermitian description of the Quasi-Zeno dynamics of a quantum particle

Consider an experiment where a quantum particle is released from a box at time t=0 and a particle detector placed at some distance clicks as soon as the particle "arrives" at the detector. What is the time of arrival of the particle? This is the quantum first passage problem and this requires one to study the quasi-Zeno dynamics of a system whose unitary dynamics is punctuated by repeated projective measurements. We show that this dynamics can be described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and discuss various physical consequences that can be extracted.

11:00 to 11:40 Rajamani Vijayaraghavan (TIFR, Mumbai, India) A ring resonator based coupler for dense, long-range connectivity in superconducting qubits.

Qubit coherence and gate fidelity are typically considered the two most important metrics for characterizing a quantum processor. An equally important metric is inter-qubit connectivity as it minimizes gate count and allows implementing algorithms efficiently with reduced error. However, inter-qubit connectivity in superconducting processors tends to be limited to nearest neighbour due to practical constraints in the physical realization. In this talk, I will introduce a novel superconducting architecture that uses a ring resonator as a multi-path coupling element with the qubits uniformly distributed throughout its circumference. This enables long range connectivity between qubits while maintaining physical separation between them, leading to negligible qubit cross-talk. Our planar design provides significant enhancement in connectivity over state of the art superconducting processors without any additional fabrication complexity. I will discuss the basic theory of the ring resonator based coupler and present experimental results from a device capable of supporting up to twelve qubits where each qubit can be connected to nine other qubits. Our concept is scalable, adaptable to other platforms and has the potential to significantly accelerate progress in quantum computing, annealing, simulations and error correction.

[1] Hazra et al.,  arXiv:2012.09463 (2020)

11:40 to 12:00 Sayan Ghosh (IISER, Kolkata, India) Violation of Leggett-Garg inequality in two level systems

In practice the dynamics of any open quantum system is expected to deviate from the ideal unitary dynamics due to coupling with the environment. A minimal set up where a test of quantum mechanics can be performed is via study of bounds on temporal correlation functions, which are defined by dichotomic observables. It is well known that such standard measure of quantumness of the dynamics of a system are temporal analog of Bell's inequality, known as Leggett-Grag inequality (LGI) and is bounded above in quantum mechanics by value 1.5 (Luder’s bound) for a two level system, though the algebraic maximum is 3. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an exact proof that the upper bound on LGI for arbitrary time dependent Hermitian dynamics of a two level system is 1.5, which earlier has been proven for the static time independent Hermitian dynamics only. Furthermore, we provide an exact proof that a two level quantum system coupled to a Markovian bath, such that the reduced dynamics of the system can be represented in Kraus operator form, also exactly follows the same bound of 1.5. Moreover, since the Kraus operators define a dynamics which can be represented by a linear map, we show that introducing minimal non-linearltiy in such maps, which for example can be mimicked using non-Hermitian dynamics leads to violation of the quantum mechanical bound of 1.5. (communicated to Phys. Rev. A)

17:00 to 17:40 Juzar Thingna (Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea) Degenerated Liouvillians and controlling transport

I’ll introduce open system symmetries and describe how open systems' complexity can be reduced utilizing symmetry operators in this talk. I'll focus on strong symmetries and discuss the presence of decoherence-free subspaces, oscillating coherence, and obtaining multiple steady states even in the absence of symmetries. Obtaining the physical nonequilibrium steady-states (NESSs) is a highly nontrivial task for degenerated Liouvillians since any combination of the NESSs is also a zero eigenvalue state of the Liouvillian. To avoid unphysical NESSs for highly complex scenarios, wherein the symmetries are unknown; I'll introduce a computationally friendly approach [1] that allows us to obtain the physical NESSs. I’ll further show the effect of magnetic fields on degenerated Liouvillians. In particular, the magnetic field direction helps break specific open system symmetries allowing us to control transport without tuning the field's magnitude [2]. These results demonstrate the importance of symmetry as an organizing principle and a tool to control transport.
References: [1] J. Thingna and D. Manzano, arXiv:2101.10236 (2021). [2] J. Thingna, D. Manzano, and J. Cao, New J. Phys. 22, 083026 (2020).

17:40 to 18:20 Géraldine Haack (University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland) Signatures of exceptional points in a quantum thermal machine

The concepts and tools from the theory of non-Hermitian quantum systems are used to investi- gate the dynamics of a quantum thermal machine. This approach allows us to characterize in full generality the analytical time-dependent dynamics of an autonomous quantum thermal machine, by solving a non-Hermitian Liouvillian for an arbitrary initial state. We show that the thermal machine features a number of exceptional points for experimentally realistic parameters. The signatures of a third-order exceptional point, both in the short and long-time regimes are demonstrated. As these points correspond to regimes of critical decay towards the steady state, in analogy with a critically damped oscillator, our work opens interesting possibilities for the precise control of the dynamics of quantum thermal machines.
Ref: Shishir Khandelwal, Nicolas Brunner and Géraldine Haack, arXiv:2101.11553.

18:20 to 18:40 Zubizarreta Casalengua (University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK) Modulating statistics of light.

Modulating statistics of light Many applications of quantum light require extensive study of photon correlations, which play a central role in Quantum Optics. We show that the photon statistics of the light emitted by optical open systems, when resonantly excited using coherent sources, can be controlled and then optimized at the N-photon level by purposely tuning the excitation, modulating the emission from Sub- to Super-Poissonian due to both external and self-homodyne interferences [1,2]. Particularly, the well-known photon and polariton blockades are investigated in detail, providing a vast and rich landscape of photon correlations and paving the way to subsequent optimization. Furthermore, the study highlights the close relation between two relevant quantum attributes of light, photon antibunching and quadrature squeezing, which were so far studied as unrelated topics [3]. This paradigm is not exclusive of frequency-blind correlations and, in photon spectroscopy, the theory displays striking results as well. When the laser-qubit detuning is large, a perfect circle of antibunching between photons with different frequencies arises due to quantum interferences, revealing exotic multi-mode squeezing properties of great potential for applications. [1] Conventional and Unconventional Photon Statistics, Zubizarreta Casalengua et al., Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14, 1900279 (2020). [2] Tuning photon statistics with coherent fields, Zubizarreta Casalengua et al., Phys. Rev. A 101, 063824 (2020). [3] Origin of Antibunching in Resonance Fluorescence, Hanschke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 170402 (2020).

18:40 to 19:20 Takis Kontos (Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris, France ) Strong inhomogeneity of spin orbit interaction at the nanoscale

In this talk, I will show that we can achieve the strong inhomogeneity regime with a change of the spin orbit interaction strength larger than the hopping energy between two localized electronic orbitals. This is achieved by the use of carbon nanotube double quantum dots coupled to two magnetically textured gates. We probe this system using a microwave cavity which allows us to sense the spin texture of the electronic states induced in the carbon nanotube.

19:20 to 20:00 Eva-Maria Graefe (Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom) Quantum-classical correspondence in chaotic PT-symmetric systems

The realisation of PT-symmetric quantum dynamics in various experimental platforms has opened up a whole new field of investigations. What has been little investigated in these systems, hitherto, however, is their quantum-classical correspondence, and in particular the emergence of chaos. This is about to change. In this talk I will discuss PT-symmetric generalisations of standard models of quantum chaos (such as the kicked top), with a particular focus on the identification of phase-space structures in the quantum system as well as spectral fingerprints of PT-symmetry and chaos.

20:00 to 20:40 Francisco Correa (Universidad Austral de Chile, Santiago, Chile) Complex BPS Skyrmions with real energy
We propose and investigate several complex versions of extensions and restrictions of the Skyrme model with a well-defined Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. The models studied possess complex kink, anti-kink, semi-kink, massless and purely imaginary compacton BPS solutions that all have real energies. The reality of the energies for a particular solution is guaranteed when a modified antilinear CPT-symmetry maps the Hamiltonian functional to its parity time-reversed complex conjugate and the solution field to itself or a new field with degenerate energy. In addition to the known BPS Skyrmion configurations we find new types that we refer to as step, cusp, shell, and purely imaginary compacton solutions.
Friday, 26 March 2021
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:00 to 09:40 Aashish Clerk (The University of Chicago, Illinois, US) Non-equilibrium stationary states of quantum non-Hermitian lattice models

Numerous recent works have suggested using open quantum systems as a way to implement fully quantum non-Hermitian dynamics. The quantum-mechanical steady states of such systems have now however been fully characterized. I’ll discuss recent theory work that attempts to fill this gap, focusing on the paradigmatic non-reciprocal Hatano-Nelson model. There are a number of surprises, including an unexpected dependence on particle statistics (fermions or bosons), and a sensitivity to boundary conditions that is non-trivially related to the non-Hermitian skin effect.

09:40 to 10:20 Anirban Pathak (Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India) Different facets of non-classicality under non-Hermitian dynamics

The behavior of nonclassical correlations will be discussed in two different non-Hermitian systems: one in which a discrete system consists of an effective two level system with open system effects and the  second a continuous system with interacting optical cavity modes.   The nonclassicality quantified by well-known measures of quantum correlations, viz., measurement induced disturbance, concurrence, and negativity, is probed in the former system by combining  the qubit state  with the vacuum at the beam-splitter (i.e., entanglement potential as a measure of nonclassicality), thereby analyzing the resulting output state for the above mentioned nonclassicality measures. In the latter system, we will explore the interplay of non-Hermicity with the quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects as well as the nonclassical features, like intermodal antibunching and sum and difference squeezing in view of the balanced losses and gains in the two  systems. We will also try to understand the subtleties arising in defining so-called exceptional points from the perspective of the effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and the Liouvillian superoperator formalisms. This will be done in the context of a three level atom in lambda, V and \xi configurations and will shed light on lasing properties in these configurations. Further, significance of non-Hermitian physics in the conventional quantum optics and quantum information will be discussed.
This work is done in collaboration with Javid Naikoo and Kishore Thapliyal.

10:20 to 11:00 Manas Kulkarni (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India) Localisation and Quantum State Transfer in a Cavity-QED Network

In the first part of the talk [1], we will discuss localization in cavity-QED arrays. We show that a careful engineering of drive, dissipation and Hamiltonian results in achieving indefinitely sustained self-trapping. We show that the intricate interplay between drive, dissipation, and light-matter interaction results in requiring an optimal window of drive strengths in order to achieve such non-trivial steady states. In the second part of the talk [2], we will discuss optimal protocols for efficient photon transfer in a cavity-QED network. This is executed through a stimulated Raman adiabatic passage scheme where time-varying inductive or capacitive couplings (with carefully chosen sweep rate) play a key role.
[1] A. Dey, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 101, 043801 (2020)
[2] A. Dey, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 042004, Rapid Communications (2020)

11:00 to 11:40 Hosho Katsura (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan) Integrable dissipative spin chains

In this talk, I will discuss several examples of dissipative spin chains that can be mapped to integrable non-Hermitian models. The first example is a quantum compass chain with bulk dephasing. I will show that the Liouvillian of the system can be diagonalized exactly by mapping it to a non-Hermitian Kitaev model on a two-leg ladder. The relaxation time and the autocorrelation function of edge spins exhibit different behavior depending on whether the Hamiltonian is in a trivial or topological phase. The second example is a quantum Ising chain with a particular form of bulk dissipation. In this case, the Liouvillian turns out to be a non-Hermitian Ashkin-Teller model, which can be further mapped to an XXZ spin chain with purely imaginary anisotropy. In both cases, we obtain exact results for the steady states and the Liouvillian gap (the inverse relaxation time) by exploiting the integrability of the systems. If time allows, I will also touch on other types of models.

11:40 to 12:00 Anant Vijay Varma (IISER, Kolkata, India) Simulating non-Hermitian dynamics of a multi-spin quantum system

In recent times there has been much discussion of non-Hermitian quantum systems in the context of many body systems owing to the exotic manifestations like violation of Lieb-Robinson bound (PRL 124,136802 (2020)), non-Hermitian skin effect (PRL 121, 086803 (2018)), suppression of defect production in Kibbel-Zurek mechanism (Nature Comm. 10, 2254 (2019)) and correspondence between (d+1) dimensional gapped Hermitian systems and d-dimensional point-gapped non-Hermitian systems (PRL 123, 206404 (2019)). Hence a possibility of simulating such a system which will facilitate the direct observation of such phenomena could be of great importance. It is known that the dynamics of a single spin-1/2 PT-symmetric system can be simulated by conveniently embedding it into a subspace of a larger Hilbert space with unitary dynamics. In the context of many body physics, what would be the consequence of complexity of such ideas of embedding non-Hermitian many body systems in unknown. We show that such an embedding leads to non-trivial Hamiltonian which has complex interactions. We consider a simple example of N free PT-symmetric spin-1/2s to obtain the resulting many-body interacting Hamiltonian of N+1 spin-1/2s. We can visualize it as a strongly correlated central spin model with the additional spin-1/2 playing the role of central spin. We would show that due to the orthogonality catastrophe, even a vanishing small exchange field applied along the anisotropy axis of the central spin leads to a strong suppression of its decoherence arising from spin-flipping perturbations.

This talk would be based on the following paper: Anant V. Varma, and Sourin Das, Simulating non-Hermitian dynamics of a multi-spin quantum system and an emergent central spin model” arXiv:2012.13415 (communicated to Phys. Rev. B) .

12:00 to 12:20 Amrandra K Sarma (IIT, Guwahati, India) Soliton steering in parity-time symmetric nonlinear couplers

Since the first experimental realization of parity and time symmetry in optics, in a cleverly designed linear optical coupler system, the study of PT-symmetry has been extended to the so-called nonlinear regime as well. It is found that exploration of parity-time symmetry in nonlinear coupler is a fruitful endeavor which may give rise to enormous futuristic applications. In this talk, we will discuss our theoretical studies on soliton steering and soliton switching in a parity-time symmetric nonlinear coupler. We will report some recent results and their novelty

17:00 to 17:40 Jacqueline Bloch (University of Paris-Saclay, Saint-Aubin, France) Non-linearities in a driven-dissipative SSH lattice
17:40 to 18:20 Elena Del Valle (Universite Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain) Engineering single and N-photon emission from frequency resolved correlations

Correlations in light resolved both in time and frequency provide valuable information about the level structure and dynamics of an emitting system and its capabilities as a quantum light source. First, I will review a generalization of Glauber's N-photon coherence functions to the frequency domain and present our “sensing method” to compute them and gain important insights [1,2]. Second, I will show how the information that these functions provide, lead to both fundamental understanding and technological applications in the epitome system of Quantum Optics, resonance fluorescence, a single two-level system emitter (qubit) driven by a laser: 1) In the low driving (Heitler) regime, this system was believed to provide an emission both perfectly antibunched and spectrally narrow (with a subnatural linewidth). We show that, when including measurement, these two properties are not compatible and propose a scheme which interferes the emission with an external laser to reconcile them again [3,4,5]. 2) In the high driving (Mollow) regime, we propose schemes to create, by using a cavity to select and enhance emission from the system at precise frequencies, an N-photon emitter [6,7], possibly heralded, or two-mode squeezing.
References: [1] Theory of frequency-filtered and time-resolved N-photon correlations, E. del Valle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 183601 (2012). [2] Frequency-resolved Monte Carlo, J. C. López Carreño et al., Sci. Rep., 8, 6975 (2018). [3] Joint subnatural-linewidth and single-photon emission from resonance fluorescence, J. C. López Carreño et al., Quantum Sci. Technol. 3, 045001 (2018). [4] Origin of Antibunching in Resonance Fluorescence, L. Hanschke et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 170402 (2020) [5] Conventional and Unconventional Photon Statistics, E. Zubizarreta Casalengua et al., Laser Photonics Rev. 1900279 (2020). Tuning photon statistics with coherent fields, E. Zubizarreta Casalengua et al. Phys. Rev. A 101, 063824 (2020). [6] Emitters of N-photon bundles, C. Sánchez-Muñoz et al., Nature Photonics 8, 550 (2014). [7] Filtering multiphoton emission from state-of-the-art cavity quantum electrodynamics, C. Sánchez Muñoz et al., Optica 5, 14 (2018).

18:20 to 18:40 Takanobu Taira (City, University of London, London, UK) Complex BPS solitons with real energies

Following a generic approach that leads to Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) soliton solutions by imposing self-duality, we investigate two different types of non-Hermitian field theories. First, we construct exact ‘t Hooft-Polyakov monopole in the non-Hermitian model with local SU(2) and modified antilinear CPT symmetry, giving rise to a finite and real monopole mass that saturate the lower energy bound. Next, we consider the complex extended sine-Gordon model, where we establish explicitly that the energies are the same as those in an equivalent pair of a non-Hermitian and Hermitian theory obtained from a pseudo-Hermitian approach by means of a Dyson map. We argue that the reality of the energy is due to the modified versions of antilinear CPT symmetries that relate self-dual and anti-self-dual theories. Based on: 1) A. Fring and T. Taira, ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopoles in non-Hermitian quantum field theory, Phys. Lett. B 807, 135583 (2020). 2) A. Fring and T. Taira, Complex BPS solitons with real energies from duality, arXiv:2007.15425, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. (2020).

18:40 to 19:20 Beatriz Olmos-Sanchez (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany) Dynamical phases and quantum correlations in an emitter-waveguide system with feedback

We study a minimal model that allows to investigate the creation and control of emergent collective behavior and quantum correlations using feedback in an emitter-waveguide system. Employing homodyne detection of photons emitted from a laser-driven emitter ensemble into the modes of a waveguide allows to generate intricate dynamical phases. In particular, we show the emergence of a time-crystal phase, the transition to which is controlled by the feedback strength. Feedback enables furthermore the control of quantum correlations, which become manifest in spin squeezing in the emitter ensemble. Developing a theory for the dynamics of fluctuation operators we discuss how the feedback strength controls the squeezing and investigate its temporal dynamics and dependence on system size. The analytical results obtained from our simple model allow to quantify spin squeezing and fluctuations in the limit of large number of emitters, revealing critical scaling of the squeezing close to the transition to the time-crystal. Our study corroborates the potential of integrated emitter-waveguide systems --- which feature highly controllable photon emission channels --- for the exploration of collective quantum phenomena and the generation of resources, such as squeezed states, for quantum enhanced metrology.

19:20 to 20:00 Jason Petta (Princeton University, New Jersey, US) Long-Range Coupling of Spins with Microwave-Frequency Photons