Non-Hermitian Systems / Open Quantum Systems are not only of fundamental interest in physics and mathematics but have also been instrumental in various technological advances. The purpose of the present meeting is to follow up on the recent developments in this field. The scope of the proposed online meeting is highly interdisciplinary and aims to bring together the recent works of mathematicians, theoretical physicists as well as experimental physicists working on different aspects of non-Hermitian Physics /Open Quantum Systems..
Broad topics /areas that will be included (but not restricted to) in this meeting are --
- Non- Hermitian/Pseudo-Hermitian quantum theories.
- Open quantum systems (recent theoretical developments, state-of-the-art numerical advances and experimental progress).
- Applications in Optics and Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
- Cavity-QED and circuit-QED systems (Hybrid Quantum Systems).
- PT-symmetric discrete systems with applications in condensed matter and photonics, Topological properties of matter.
Scope for the young researchers:
Graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers interested/working in the fields related to non-Hermitian Systems / Open Quantum Systems may apply to participate in this online meeting. Those interested in applying must upload their CV with a list of publications.