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Past seminars
Title Speaker Date and Time Resources
The conundrum of Tidal Love number Sumanta Chakraborty (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata) Tue, 20 February 2024, 14:00
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) as electromagnetic (EM) counterparts of Gravitational Wave (GW) sources with Fermi GBM Suman Bala (Science and Technology Institute) Tue, 20 February 2024, 10:00
A new characterization of small-scale dynamics in turbulent flows Rishita Das (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru) Fri, 16 February 2024, 10:30
The S-matrix and boundary correlators in flat space Diksha Jain (TIFR, Mumbai) Wed, 14 February 2024, 15:45
Mass lysis of bacterial predators drives the enrichment of antibiotic resistance in soil microbial communities Samay Pande (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru) Wed, 14 February 2024, 11:00
A fresh look at the large N limit of matrix models and proposal for a new continuum description Gautam Mandal (TIFR, Mumbai) Tue, 13 February 2024, 15:45
Exploring gravity, astrophysics, and cosmology with gravitational waves Aditya Vijaykumar (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) Fri, 09 February 2024, 15:30
The 2d Sinh and Sine Gordon models on the infinite cylinder Trishen Gunaratnam (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Fri, 09 February 2024, 15:30
Universal dynamics across a phase transition: from condensed matter to quantum computing Adolfo del Campo (University of Luxembourg) Fri, 09 February 2024, 14:15
Marine Cloud Brightening Prasanth Prabhakaran (University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado) Fri, 09 February 2024, 11:00
Universal features of 2 → N scattering in QCD and gravity from shockwave collisions Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Lab) Wed, 07 February 2024, 15:00
Solving 4D Planar Gauge Theory with Integrability and Conformal Bootstrap Nika Sokolova (King's College London,UK) Tue, 06 February 2024, 15:00
X-ray flaring event in AGN: Multi-wavelength Investigation and Interpretation of Physical Processes Saikruba Krishnan (IUCAA, Pune) Tue, 06 February 2024, 14:00
Impact Phenomena in liquid interfacial systems across spatiotemporal scales Durbar Roy (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru) Fri, 02 February 2024, 14:30
Gauge Orbit Space and Yang-Mills in 3d and 4d V. Parameswaran Nair (The City College of New York) Wed, 31 January 2024, 15:45
Unraveling the Secrets of Particle Acceleration in Collisionless Shocks Siddhartha Gupta (Princeton University, New Jersey) Tue, 30 January 2024, 15:30
Hydrodynamic transport in active cellular aggregates Subhadip Chakraborti (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) Mon, 29 January 2024, 15:45
Parity Breaking in Classical and Quantum Fluids Dylan Reynolds (The City College of New York) Wed, 24 January 2024, 18:30
Overview of 21cm experiments probing the Epoch of Reionisation and updates on the Square Kilometre Array Nithyanandan Thyagarajan (CSIRO, Australia) Wed, 24 January 2024, 15:00
BPS Fivebrane Stars Yoav Zigdon (University of Cambridge) Wed, 24 January 2024, 15:00
