This is a satellite conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2010. It will be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
The algebraic and combinatorial analysis of the representation theory of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Vertex algebras, Quantum groups and Hecke algebras is an active area of current research due to its applications in many areas of mathematics and physics. This conference will bring together leading international experts working on various aspects of this theme. There will be expository survey talks as well as invited talks on current research developments.
Invited Participants:
Pramod Achar (Louisiana),
Drazen Adamovic (Univ Zagreb),
Shun-Jen Cheng (Acad. Sinica),
ie Du (UNSW), Ghislain Fourier (Koeln U),
Yun Gao (York U), John Graham,
Jacob Greenstein (UC Riverside),
Aloysius Helminck (NCSU),
David Hernandez (Ecole Polytechnique),
Dijana Jakelic (UNC Wilmington),
Naihuan Jing (NCSU),
Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National University),
Masaki Kashiwara (RIMS, Kyoto),
Tanusree Khandai (IMSc),
A. Kleschev (U Oregon),
Michael Lau (U Windsor),
Aaron Lauda (Columbia),
Sergey Loktev (ITEP Moscow),
Andrew Mathas (U Sydney),
Antun Milas (SUNY Albany),
Adriano Moura (State U Campinas),
Toshiki Nakashima (Sophia U),
Erhard Neher (U Ottawa),
Masato Okado (Osaka U),
AJ Parameswaran (KSOM/TIFR),
Easwara Rao (TIFR),
Alistair Savage (U Ottawa),
Anne Schilling (UC Davis),
Leonard Scott (U Virginia),
Catherina Stroppel (U. Bonn),
Milind Sohoni (IITB),
KV Subrahmanyam (CMI),
Ruibin Zhang (U Sydney),
Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier).
Invited participants need not register again. Accommodation, food and local transport arrangements will be made by the organizers for all invited speakers.
Others interested can apply to participate and to request financial support by sending email to Here is the format of the application (click on link). Please include all information mentioned there, and send it to the above email address before May 20, 2010. Students and postdocs working on areas related to the theme of the conference are especially encouraged to apply.
Our conference grant from ICTS will enable us to make a limited number of offers of full financial support, which will cover accommodation, food and local transport.Contingent on availability of funds, we also hope to make a fair number of offers of partial financial support in the form of a registration fee waiver. In addition, travel support for Indian mathematicians will also be provided. Applicants are encouraged to explore other avenues of funding as well, to help maximize the number of beneficiaries of our grant.
Applicants selected for participation in the conference will be informed by May 25, 2010. Financial support decisions willl also be communicated by this date.
Participants to whom we are unable to offer any financial support will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation, and will be required to pay a registration fee of INR 2500 (~$50) to cover the costs of food and local transportation.
Local Information:
Venue: The conference will be held at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) inside the campus of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (now renamed Bengaluru).
Flights: Bengaluru International Airport (code: BLR) is served by several domestic and international airlines offering flights to numerous destinations. International participants might find it more convenient to fly directly into Bangalore rather than first stopping over at a different port of entry within India. For those participants going on to attend the main ICM, Hyderabad is just an hour's flight, or overnight train ride, away from Bangalore.
Weather: In August, the weather in Bangalore is pleasant, with occasional rains and temperature in the range of 20-27 degrees Celsius.