The 8th Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology is part of a series that is being organized annually in turn by Korea, Japan, China and India. The school will be held in Puri, India, as a program of the International Center For Theoretical Sciences, TIFR.
The school is intended to be an advanced one. While String Theory is the primary focus, it also aims to provide a broader perspective emphasising that String theory is a useful framework for the basic questions of Particle physics and Cosmology and for the study of strongly coupled systems. The school is intended to give young researchers in Asia an opportunity to come together and learn about the latest important developments in the field from leading practioners of the subject. Typically the school is attended by advanced students, post-doctoral fellows and also active workers.
The city of Puri is an ancient pilgrimage site in eastern India. The Hotel which will be the location for the school is next to a beautiful beach on the Bay of Bengal.
The International Advisory Board :
David Gross (Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, USA)
Andrew Strominger (Harvard University, USA)
Hirotaka Sugawara (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan)
Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University, USA)
Steering Committee:
Bin Chen (PKU, China)
Yoshihisa Kitazawa (KEK, Japan)
Bum-Hoon Lee, (Sogang University, S.Korea)
Kimyeong Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, S.Korea)
Miao Li (ITP,Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Jianxin Lu (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Soonkeon Nam (Kyung Hee University, S.Korea)
Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech, IPMU, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Ashoke Sen (Harish Chandra Research Institute, India)
Sang Jin Sin (Hanyang University, S.Korea)
Spenta Wadia (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)