PEOPLE Associates (Former)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru
Area of Research:  Statistical Physics, Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests

  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Population Genetics


  1. A. Nagar and K. Jain, Exact phase diagram of quasispecies model with mutation rate modifier  , Physical Review Letters, 102, 038101 (2009).
  2. R. Marathe, K. Jain and A. Dhar,  Particle current in symmetric exclusion process with time-dependent hopping rates, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P, 11014 (2008).
  3. K. Jain,  Loss of least-loaded class in asexual populations due to drift and epistasis, Genetics, 179, 2125 (2008).
  4. K. Jain,  Evolutionary dynamics of the most populated genotype on rugged fitness landscapes, Physical Review E, 76, 31922 (2007).
  5. K. Jain and J. Krug,  Deterministic and stochastic regimes of asexual evolution on rugged fitness landscapes, Genetics, 175, 1275 (2007).
  6. K. Jain, F. Bouchet and D. Mukamel,  Relaxation times of unstable states in systems with long range interactions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics,  P, 11008 (2007).
  7. K. Jain, R. Marathe, A. Chaudhuri and A. Dhar,  Driving particle current through narrow channels using classical pump, Physical Review Letters, 99, 190601 (2007).
  8. K. Jain and J. Krug,  Evolutionary trajectories in rugged fitness landscapes, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, (2005).
  9. K. Jain,  Nonuniversal exponents in sandpiles with stochastic particle transfer, Europhysics Letters, 71, 8 (2005).
  10. K. Jain,  A simple soluble model of active-absorbing state transition, Physical Review E, 72, 17105 (2005).
  11. K. Jain and M. Barma,  Dynamics of a disordered, driven zero range process in one dimension, Physical Review Letters, 91, 135701 (2003).
  12. R. D. Willmann, G. M. Schutz and K. Jain,  Diffusion in a generalized Rubinstein-Duke model of electrophoresis with kinematic disorder, Physical Review E, 67, 61806 (2003).
  13. M. Barma and K. Jain, Locating the minimum: Approach to equilibrium in a disordered, symmetric zero range process, Pramana-Journal of Physics, 58, 409 (2002).
  14. K. Jain and M. Barma,  Phases of a conserved mass model of aggregation with fragmentation at fixed sites, Physical Review E, 64, 16107 (2001).