02 January 2023

ICTS faculty member Subhro Bhattacharjee’s publication (in collaboration with Jishnu N. Nampoothiri, Michael D’Eon, Kabir Ramola and Bulbul Chakraborty), titled “Tensor Electromagnetism and Emergent Elasticity in Jammed Solids”, was highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion in Physical Review E.

This publication is a follow up of a recent work by the authors which pointed out that the mechanical response of a thermal jammed granular solids can be understood in terms of an emergent tensor electromagnetism. The present work derives the mapping and extends it successfully to three dimensions with important predictions for the dynamical response. The success of these predictions – to be tested in numerical simulations and experiments – will provide an interesting direction forward to understand the physics of such jammed solids.