After joining Indian Astronomical Observatory as an Engineer in 1998, I always felt the need to justify the magnificent skies over it where it is difficult to identify the known constellations among the billion stars. The Starry skies, our natural heritage, has inspired many artist and folk songs in Ladakh and all over the world. With the advancement of DSLR, it became possible for me to showcase the vastness of the landscape and the brillance of the nightsky of Ladakh through my hobby and helped to educate and inspire many through the same. I will take you into the journey of few of my pictures and share how some of them were made in interesting conditions. Slowly, with the advent of modern day lighting, I witnessed the same destroying Ladakh's beautiful night skies of Ladakh thus restricting our view of the cosmos and the starry skies, and I felt the need to protect the same. We thus formulated the proposal for Hanle Dark Sky Reserve.
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