Md. Abhishek (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
Date & Time
Tue, 30 August 2022, 15:00 to 16:30
Online and Madhava Lecture Hall

We use massive spinor helicity formalism to study scattering amplitudes in N = 2* super-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. We compute the amplitudes at an arbitrary point in the Coulomb branch of this theory. We compute amplitudes using projection from N = 4 theory and write three-point amplitudes in a convenient form using special kinematics. We then compute four-point amplitudes by carrying out massive BCFW shifts of the amplitudes. We find some of the shifted amplitudes have a pole at z = ∞. Taking the residue at z = ∞ into account ensures little group covariance of the final result.

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