This school is meant for PhD students and young post doctoral students working in the field of Cold atoms and Ions. A few students in the final year of their MSc degree will also be supported in order to encourage them in taking up research in this fast growing field. The International Center for Theoretical Studies (ICTS) at TIFR will provide all domestic travel support (as per norms) for the registered participants. It will also provide with local hospitality for the entire duration of the school. 

Duration of the school: 6th January till 16th January 2010


G. S. Agarwal (OSU, USA)
D. Angom (PRL, India)
J. K. Bhattacharjee (SNBNCBS, India)
A. Browaeys (Institut d'Optique,Universite Paris-Sud,Orsay,France)
D. Budker (University of California, Barkeley)
B. Deb (IACS, India)
A. Ekert (University Oxford, UK & NUS, Singapore)
S. Guibal (University Paris Diderot, France)
H.-J. Kluge (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
W. D. Phillips (NIST, Gaithersburg, USA)
S. A. Rangwala (RRI, India)
K. Sengupta (IACS, India)
G. V. Shlyapnikov (LPTMS,Universite Paris-Sud,Orsay,France)
G. Werth (University of Mainz, Germany)
C. S. Unnikrishnan (TIFR, India)


Reminder: Please book your tickets such that you can check in at your pre-reserved rooms after 10 am on 06.01.2010

Venue: Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark Kolkata