Frustration, i.e., the intertwining of competing physical state formation tendencies, is a ubiquitous theme in contemporary condensed matter physics. While certain domains such as frustrated magnetism are more established than others, the perspective of frustration applied to correlated electron systems promises to deepen and elevate understanding of a broad set of principles such as competing orders, quantum state entanglement, and criticality. While a Mott state is often rather canonically reconciled from the viewpoint of frustration, itinerant electron systems can likewise exhibit similar features that are intimately connected to the symmetry and topology of a metal or band insulator. Our ICTS workshop “Frustrated Metals and Insulators” aims at bringing together a diverse community of condensed matter researchers to push the state of the art and extend understanding towards a synergetic foundation of frustration phenomena in metals as well as insulators. The workshop intends to facilitate the development of analytical and numerical methods to address aspects of frustration in electronic systems, and to intensify the dialogue between theoretical conceptualization and experimental realization. It will consist of a series of talks from a selective group of international experts in the fields of frustrated magnetism, superconductivity and topological states of matter. The talk format and the topical arrangement is aimed at encouraging in-depth discussions across all subareas of frustrated electron systems, and as such to enable new collaborative activities between the participants.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.
Eligibility criteria: Applications are invited from graduate students, postdocs, and faculties with overlapping research interests. Applicants are strongly encouraged to make a contribution in the form of a poster or contributed talk, and the decision concerning the same will be communicated at a later stage. Depending upon the prevailing pandemic situation and the availability of accommodation, participation may be restricted to online mode.
We gratefully acknowledge ct.qmat support.