The workshop aims to bring together experts from two different disciplines: mathematical aspects of scattering amplitudes, and cosmology. In the last decades we have got a tremendous amount of insights in the structure of perturbative on-shell scattering amplitudes. This includes unitarity methods, recursion relations, worldsheet models, bootstrap methods and more recently also an intriguing connection to positive geometry, positive Grassmannian, Associahedron and the Amplituhedron. This all pushes us closer to a reformulation of the perturbative S-matrix using a completely new set of principles. At the same time, similar remarkable structures have been observed in cosmological correlators, which are fundamental objects capturing the physics of our Universe. This connects two seemingly different fields of theoretical physics. This workshop will help to advance these connections further.
Eligibility criteria:
- Registrations for the PGSAC Program are open to graduate students and researchers from theoretical physics and cosmology to intensify the work on the connections between particle physics and geometry.
- Please state in your application your career stage (e.g. pre- or post-doctoral stage) and include your motivation for attending the workshop and how it ties into your current research, including any specific topics you are working on.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.