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B. P. Das (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India), A. Dighe (TIFR, India), S. Lamoreaux (Yale University, USA), N. Mahajan (PRL, India), R. Rangarajan (PRL, India), Bijaya Sahoo (PRL, India), Y. Sakemi (Tohoku University, Japan), A. I. Sanda (Kanagawa University, Japan) and A. D. Singh (PRL, India)
07 February 2013 to 23 February 2013
Fountain Hotel, Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India

In the contemporary era of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in which physicists worldwide are hoping to find answers to many outstanding questions of particle physics, complementary attempts to look for new physics via non-accelerator probes are very significant. The field of CP violation is vast and is growing rapidly and independently in different research areas. It interconnects many areas such as particle, nuclear, atomic, molecular and solid state physics and involves experimental, theoretical and computational  methods. This ICTS program on CP violation (PCPV 2013) will bring together practitioners from such diverse fields as particle, nuclear and atomic physics, both experimental and theoretical, who have an interest in CP violation, on a single platform.

The program will be organized in two parts:

(i) Advanced School7-18 Feb, 2013

(ii) Workshop: 19-23 Feb, 2013

Many leading experts from different countries will give lectures in the school on various aspects of CP violation which will provide the background that is necessary to understand the topics to be discussed in the workshop and it will also be helpful to the young researchers in their future research.

The workshop will cover a large number of topics since the methodologies used in the various subfields of CP violation are different from each other. An important element of the meeting is that it will have “Discussion Sessions” in the afternoons, which will focus on specific issues.

pcpv2013  gmailcom