Post Doctoral Fellow - University of Wuerzburg, Germany ( July 2015 - December 2015).
Post Doctoral Fellow - University of Texas, Arlington, USA ( Jan 2015 - June 2015).
Ph.D.- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore.
Thesis - 'Reconstruction of a class of fluid flows by variational methods and inversion of integral transforms in tomography.' (2010 - 2014).
M.Sc - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore. (2008 - 2010).
Big data problems in medicine and life sciences, inverse problems in medical imaging and fluid flows, discontinuous Galerkin finite element schemes for 2D/3D incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, Fokker- Planck optimal control framework for stochastic processes and shape optimization related to obstacle placement. For more information, please see my website http://roysouvik2.github.io