PEOPLE Program Committee (Former)
Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru
  athreya  isibangacin

Academic profile:
August 1998: Ph.D. in Mathematics,  at the  Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. Thesis supervisor: Professor K. Burdzy.

Current research interests:
My primary field of interest  has been in  Probability theory.  I have been working with models that arose primarily in either statistical physics or population biology. Initially, the focus was  on  martingale problems connected with  measure-valued branching processes.  The tools involved were semi-linear partial differential equations, stochastic
partial differential equations, and stochastic differential equations.  I have also worked on models in Statistical Physics (Abelian Sandpile Model) and in Population Biology (Branching-Coalescing systems). Recently I have started studying Brownian motion on real trees and Random walk in Random environments.


Some visual elements / subject pictures from research work.
attached a picture of Branching Brownian motion conditioned to hit points
on the boundary.