My research inclination is towards compact stars and gravitational waves. Currently, I am exploring potential markers detectable in gravitational wave signals from isolated neutron stars and neutron star binaries. These markers are likely to originate from various astrophysical processes and phenomena associated with neutron stars, offering valuable insights into their interiors and environments. Additionally, I am carrying out studies to address a few questions related to gravitational wave lensing and working on hydrodynamics simulations related to neutron star systems.
I was a doctoral student at the Indian Institute for Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, where I specialized in astrophysics. My research involved both theoretical investigations and simulations in general relativistic hydrodynamics. In our cosmos, various compact stars exist, including white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. The existence of quark stars is still a question prevailing in the field. A neutron star can change into a quark star through the quark-hadron phase transition process, an intriguing possibility that I explored in my research. I modeled this process and quantified the emissions originating from them. During these years, I also actively engaged myself in communicating science.
For additional details please visit my personal webpage and inspire-hep profile.