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PEOPLE Graduate Student (Former)
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru

Research Interests:

  • Quantum and Classical Transport 

  • Quantum dynamics


2018 : Integrated Masters in Physics, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odhisa.

2012 : Secondary Education, New Convent Higher Secondary, Barzullla, J and K.


Prof. S. Naranan Memorial Research Award-2022

Advisor: Prof. Abhishek Dhar(main advisor) and Prof. Subhro Bhattacharjee(co-advisor)


[1] G. Cane, J. M. Bhat, A. Dhar, and C. Bernardin, “Localization effects due to a random magnetic field on heat transport in a harmonic chain,” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 2021, no. 11, p. 113204, 2021.
[2] J. M. Bhat, G. Cane, C. Bernardin, and A. Dhar, “Heat transport in an ordered harmonic chain in presence of a uniform magnetic field,” Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 186, no. 1, pp. 1–15, 2022.
[3] J. M. Bhat and A. Dhar, “Transport in spinless superconducting wires,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 102, p. 224512, Dec 2020.
[4] J. M. Bhat and A. Dhar, “Equivalence of negf and scattering approaches to electron transport in the kitaev chain,” arXiv-2101.06376, 2021.