22 November 2011

Édouard Brézin, École normale supérieure, Paris, France and member of International Advisory Council at International Centre for Theoretical Sciences - TIFR, has been awarded 2011 Dirac Medal by ICTP.

Edouard Brézin shares this prize with John Cardy and Alexander Zamolodchikov. The award recognizes their independent pioneering work in applying field theoretical methods to the study of critical phenomena and phase transitions; in particular, their significant contributions to conformal field theories and integrable systems. Their research and the physical implications of their formal developments have had important consequences in classical and quantum condensed matter systems and in string theory.

Édouard Brézin has made many important contributions to the fields of high energy and condensed matter physics. He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, a foreign associate of the United States National Academy of Sciences and a member of ICTP's Scientific Council.