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This website provides information on ICTS campus responses to COVID-19, coordinated by the medical centre and the ICTS management. It will be updated frequently with current information and instructions. It is important that all ICTS members read the entire document carefully and adhere strictly and literally to the guidelines mentioned.

Don’t panic, and take care to minimize spread. Social distancing is the key.

There have been no confirmed COVID-19 cases on campus. Much more stringent guidelines will apply should there be such a case, and contingency plans are in preparation for this.

​Coronavirus Symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Dry Cough
  • Breathlessness

If you have the above symptoms, please wear a mask immediately and contact your local medical centre. If on campus, please contact the medical Centre at 6102 or send email to The campus Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Patil, is the only person authorized to issue a fitness certificate for returning to campus. 

General guidelines:

If you have returned from outside Bangalore, quarantine is mandatory before you enter campus. This applies both to International and National travel.

Visitors may come only if it is absolutely necessary. The host i.e one of the faculty or section heads of the institute will need to justify the reason for the visit to the medical committee. Visitors are allowed to enter campus only after approval of the request. Please ensure that the screening and approval process is completed BEFORE the visitor arrives at the gate. Do NOT initiate it with the visitor standing at the gate.

Guidelines for attending the institute based on travel history

Prior to returning to work, all ICTS members are required to inform the medical committee. This will be initiated by your supervisor or faculty mentor. The relevant official will get in touch with you. Once it is determined that it is safe for you to return to campus, you will receive an approval e-mail a copy of this will also be sent to your supervisor/faculty mentor and security.

Movement within the city

To reduce the probability of infections being transmitted from parts of the city, we have put in place a mechanism to keep track of locations within the Bangalore area, where there is a greater risk of picking up COVID-19 infection. As these areas are likely to change from day to day, please monitor these on a daily basis.

A) Regularly ascertain if there is a containment area close to your home:

You should monitor the BBMP site regularly so that you are aware of the presence of containment areas in parts of the city where you live or visit regularly.

(i) If you live within 200 m of a containment area, it is advised that you stay at home until the situation resolves. If you are unsure of the level of risk please provide information about your specific circumstances using the link given below.

(ii) In the case of an apartment block, typically the BBMP seals a floor with a positive case as a containment area. If you live in or visit such a block please declare this using the link given below and get advice on whether you should attend work or not.

(iii) If the containment area is in a row/independent house, the lane/road in front of it might be sealed. If not and you live very close to this location, please get in touch with the medical committee and get advice on whether you should visit the campus.

B) Ensure that you only visit safe areas:

(i) If you have visited hospitals, crowded markets, or other locations where there is a higher chance of catching the COVID-19 infection, once again please get in touch with the medical committee and get advice on whether you should visit the campus.

(ii) It is advised that you install the Arogya Sethu app on your smartphone. By setting the distance function to 500m, you can obtain information on the presence of COVID-19 cases within this distance. You should do this while at the location you wish to assess. This will also help estimate your risk of exposure to a positive case.

Inter-district movement

If you need to undertake inter-district travel within Karnataka by any modality, we will require you to practice home quarantine for a period of 14 days from the date of the most recent travel.

Inter-state movement

If you need to undertake inter-state travel by any means, we will require you to practice home quarantine for a period of 14 days from the date you return to Bangalore.

Post quarantine the interdistrict/ interstate traveler will be health screened and move to their allotted accommodation once Senior Medical Officer declares him/her fit.

In these above two cases (Interdistrict/ Interstate movement) if your presence is deemed essential, you may be expected to attend work by obtaining a COVID-19 swab test (by RT-PCR), after the fifth day of your arrival in Bangalore at an ICMR approved designated testing facility outside the ICTS campus in consultation with the Medical Centre, and if the results are negative. ICTS has tied up with an agency for Home sample collection and swab tests. Please note this is a special case and get in touch with the medical committee for the same.

International travel

In the rare case that you return to campus after international travel, you will need to undertake mandatory 14 days of quarantine and followed by an RT PCR test. Post quarantine the international traveler will be health screened and move to their allotted accommodation once Senior Medical Officer declares him/her fit.

All persons entering the campus will be scanned for fever using a non-contact thermal scanner at the entry gate. This facility will be available at the main gate. The other entrances to the campus will be closed.

If a higher than normal temperature is detected at the entry gate, the process to be followed is as below:

(1)All persons with ICTS identity cards must directly visit the medical centre and seek advice.

(2) All other persons (e.g visitors, vendors, etc) with a fever will not be allowed onto campus.

1. A limited number of students/postdocs who are facing severe connectivity issues (due to their geographical location) and/or who require lab facilities to conduct their research works may be allowed to return to the ICTS campus and use campus facilities. To minimize local transmission these students/postdocs will be housed in the Guesthouse. It is recommended that they do not travel to the city after arriving at the campus. 

2. All students/postdocs arriving at the campus have to undergo a health screening. Those coming from outside of Bangalore will have to go through a mandatory 14-day quarantine at the centre’s facility. 

3. The protocol for the interstate traveller to Karnataka during phased reopening is to be strictly followed. Revised guidelines will be communicated by the medical committee. 

4. ICTS has tied up with an agency for Home sample collection and RT PCR swab tests. Please get in touch with the medical committee for the same. You can do an RT PCR test on your own at an ICMR approved designated testing facility outside the ICTS campus in consultation with the Medical Centre and claim the reimbursement. In such cases, reimbursement will be restricted to the Govt. approved schedule of rates. 

5. During the mandatory quarantine period, students/postdocs will be housed in Hostel 3 (earmarked for quarantine). Food and other essential supplies will be delivered. 

6. Students/postdocs who wish to return to the campus should speak/write to their advisor/mentor. Their advisor/mentor should write to the medical committee for approval. 

7. Students/postdocs should not make any travel arrangements before discussing their travel plans with their advisors/mentors. 

8. Students and postdocs experiencing connectivity troubles are suggested to explore the option of procuring additional data/bandwidth and/or devices to mitigate the trouble. They may discuss this issue with their advisors/mentors. 

9. Requests from students/postdocs staying in Bangalore to enter campus and access its facilities on a regular basis will not be considered at this time. A one-time request to access the campus facilities (such as the library) may be considered. Such requests should be communicated to their respective advisors/mentors, and they should write to the medical committee for approval. 

10. Essential services for operations and campus asset maintenance continue to function on reduced staff. The Medical, Quarantine facility, as well as Canteen Service, will remain operational. 

11. Essential services for operations and campus asset maintenance continue to function on reduced staff. The Medical, Quarantine facility, as well as Canteen Service, will remain operational. 

The goal of quarantine is to isolate you until it is clear that you were not infected with COVID during your travel, or due to close contact with someone who traveled recently. The center’s quarantine facilities are in Hostel 3. We suggest that you mentally prepare for quarantine.

For students/postdocs in campus housing/off-campus hostels who are arriving from out of Bangalore: It is mandatory that when you arrive at Bangalore you will have to undergo a health screening at the point of entry (applicable only for travelers out of Karnataka). If found symptomatic, as per the Government of Karnataka regulation, you will have to be admitted to a dedicated COVID Health Care/Centre and be tested for COVID. Travelers from Maharashtra have to stay at an institutional quarantine facility for 7 days as per the guidelines of GOK, followed by a 7-day quarantine at the center’s facility. Coming from other areas, you have to undergo a 14-day quarantine. You will be housed at Hostel 3 for the entire quarantine period. All Interstate travelers need to self-register mandatorily on the Karnataka Seva Sindhu portal before entering to Karnataka and download the Aarogya Setu App, Apthamitra app, Quarantine watch up for remote monitoring. All home quarantine persons are to update their status with selfie photos daily on the quarantine watch app. If anyone develops any symptoms during the quarantine period, (s)he shall call Apthamitra Helpline No 14410.

Please do NOT come directly to the quarantine facility or go to your ICTS hostel room to collect your belongings; this puts other community members at risk. Instead, ask a friend to collect your things and deliver them to the security guard Hostel 3 during the quarantine period.

Remember that the social isolation necessary during quarantine will likely incur a degree of anxiety, although we will try our best to make you comfortable. Treat the staff at the quarantine center with due courtesy and respect; they are after all risking their lives while performing their duties. Be patient, the systems are still being set up. In case of any problems or questions, contact Mr. Suresh or Mr. Mahindra.

What will be provided during the quarantine

1. You will be given a clean room with a bed, linen, and towels, and supplies to clean your room during your isolation.

2. You will be provided regular meals and necessities such as drinking water; and plate and cutlery that you can wash and reuse during your stay. Please inform the staff about any food allergies.

3. You will be provided with masks and a sanitizer, which you must use when stepping out of your room (briefly) only to collect supplies left for you at the door.

What to bring with you while entering the quarantine

1.Personal necessities: clothes, toiletries, any medication that you require regularly. External laundry facilities are difficult to provide given the risk of infection, but you can wash and dry clothes inside your room. Please plan accordingly.

2.Other necessities such as mosquito repellent and an electrical extension cord, which you probably already have at home. If not, you can request these from the quarantine caretaker.

3.A small stock of snacks or other foods that you prefer.

4.Reading material, laptop, other devices.

For all campus residents and hostel residents (off campus):

(a) As far as possible, please stay at home, or in your room, and conduct all your academic activities through remote means.

(b) Please avoid going to the institute campus unless you have urgent work.

  • While on campus, please try to work so that social distance is maintained. The ideal distance is 1.5-2 metres. This applies in all places: canteen, buses or sharing room.
  • Working from home is encouraged when your presence is not required on campus.
  • Avoid large meetings
  • Keep your hands washed and your work surfaces clean and sanitized
  • Ensure that ALL offices and meeting points on campus have nearby access to hand sanitizer.
  • Keep daily use items clean. These include backpacks, shoes, laptops, cellphone phones, headphones, watches etc.
  • Drinking water point instructions:
    • Before you refill the water bottle please wash your bottle thoroughly and your hands
    • Place the water bottle away from the drinking water outlet for refill. Do NOT touch the mouth of the bottle to the outlet of drinking water.
    • While drinking water directly from the fountain, place your mouth away from the fountain
    • Elbows can be used to operate the water outlet wherever it is possible.
    • Please help and correct if you find anyone around you who does not know how to use it correctly.
  • Quarantine Space is being set up: Hostel 3, Near NCBS Front gate
  • All meeting rooms have been deep-cleaned by the staff
  • Transport:
    • Deep cleaning of all the campus vehicles like cabs, shuttles, ambulance, etc. is arranged for.
    • Drivers have been advised to wear face masks.
    • Shuttle services have been suspended on both IISc and NCBS routes.
  • Campus Hygiene: The following items have been made available:
    • Sterillium Rub-in hand disinfectant- This is a hand rub. Bottles have been placed at several accessible locations.
    • Rectified spirit- This should be used to clean all your computers, phones, laptops, electronics etc. You may use this to clean up your door handle and table
    • Hand gloves and Triple layer face mask - Individuals are encouraged to make use of these should they be in contact with suspected cases.
  • The library will be closed till 30 September 2020
  • Sports Complex and Pool will be closed till 30 September 2020
  • Visitors are not allowed in the hostels till these restrictions are lifted.
  • The day-care centre will remain closed till 30 September 2020.
  • The Medical Centre will remain open.
  • Any person having any type of cold and flu but having no recent international travel history should also meet the senior medical officer / duty doctor for a health screening with a prior appointment.  

Canteen Measures:

  • Food service hours have been extended (12.30 to 14.45 hrs) so as to reduce crowding.
  • Entry to dining area should only be through the hand wash area side
  • Restriction to number of people coming inside the canteen at peak hours
  • In the canteen and elsewhere please maintain a social distance of 1.5 metres -2 metres. Do not crowd around tables, and please use the outdoor seating as far as possible.
  • Take extra precautions to minimise hand contact with the metal surfaces on the cafeteria counter and table surfaces.
  • Anyone with any symptom may not use the canteen facility.
  • They should self-isolate as per quarantine guidelines to avoid possible community spread of disease
  • If you cannot isolate yourself from them, then you should also self isolate. 14 days for national travel and international travel. In this case do NOT come to campus.
  • Make an appointment with the Medical Centre informing them of the situation and obtain explicit advice, and upon completion of the isolation time, obtain permission for your return to the campus.

If I have travelled within the city, can I come to the campus?

Yes, but please monitor yourself, and limit interactions with people. If you have travelled extensively it may be best to self-quarantine. Inform the medical centre before taking this step.

What is self quarantine?

Self quarantine is when an individual limits social interaction and stays at a secluded place, such as their home, for a period of time to minimize the risk of transmitting the coronavirus. Inform the medical centre before taking this step.

How long do I have to be under self-quarantine?

Self-quarantine for domestic travel and international travel 14 days must last, or come in contact with someone who travelled internationally.

Do I have to self-quarantine if I am visited by people from out of town?

Yes, even if you have not travelled, please follow the self-quarantine advisory before returning to campus. Inform the medical centre before taking this step.

How long should I self-quarantine if I feel normal/fine?

Please self-quarantine for 14 days, and make an appointment with the campus medical centre to be cleared before resuming work on campus.

  • If you are in the quarantine period, do NOT come to campus ‘just to pick up some stuff’
  • If you have to return from travel, do NOT simply postpone your travel and then land up right away. The time for quarantine starts from the time of your return to Bangalore.
  • If you have a friend who is returning from outside the city, do NOT hold them up in your hostel room. This is a serious honour code violation. This will potentially bring infection onto the campus.
  • Do NOT land up on campus asking for a quarantine room. If you’re off campus and in quarantine time, STAY off campus. We are trying to minimize spread. Honour code.
  • If you are expecting a Swiggy or courier delivery, do NOT ask them to come onto campus. The items should be picked up from the designated outside gate.
  • Do NOT encourage any off-campus visitors.
  • If you’re in quarantine, do NOT meet people except by videoconf. Even if off campus. Don’t promote community spread of the disease.
  • Do NOT come to the campus health centre during your quarantine period. Contact the staff through X6102 or Don’t overwhelm them, this is a very busy time.