Shamik Gupta (TIFR, Mumbai, India), Sourabh Lahiri (Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, India) and Arnab Saha (University of Calcutta, India)
14 June 2022 to 17 June 2022
Thermodynamics at the level of nanoscales had remained confounding till a definite and intuitive prescription was put forward in the late 90’s. Quantum mechanical as well as classical mesoscopic thermal machines, which can be driven far from equilibrium, constitute an area that relies heavily on the definitions of fluctuating thermodynamic quantities that have been developed in the realm of Stochastic Thermodynamics. In the subsequent period spanning a little more than two decades, there has been a steady growth in research founded on Stochastic Thermodynamics including, but not limited to, generalizations to situations involving information gain and feedback, thermodynamic uncertainty relations, manifestation of quantum fluctuations at small scale, thermodynamic work fluctuations in the presence of thermal as well as non-thermal (e.g. active) heat reservoirs, etc. Fluctuation Theorems offer another example of a field of research in which there has been a proliferation of fundamental works invoking concepts of Stochastic Thermodynamics. Multifarious practical applications of small-scale thermodynamics have been proposed and several of them have been corroborated experimentally.
The meeting aims to bring together leading experts in related fields who have contributed substantially to the field, in order to provide a platform for catalyzing constructive discussions that can lead to further advancements and for identification of interesting and unexplored areas.
Eligibility Criteria: Faculty, Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students working in related areas.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.
31 May 2022
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