Discussion Meeting
Kedar Damle (TIFR, India) and Subroto Mukerjee (IISc, India)
12 January 2015 to 16 January 2015
ICTS and IISc, Bangalore

Condensed matter systems display a wide variety of interesting low temperature phases that are the product of the interplay between inter-particle interactions and the quantum statistics obeyed by the particles. The last few years have seen many exciting developments in this field  ighlighting the role of quantum entanglement. The aim of the discussion meeting is to understand these developments and their applications to physical systems by bringing together theorists and experimentalists working in the field of quantum condensed matter physics. The list of topics that will be covered includes thermalization, many-body localization, hidden order, magnetic frustration and symmetry protected and enhanced topological order.

kedar  theorytifrresin