Humanity's interest in the Theory of Numbers began deep in antiquity in Asia, and from there passed to Greece and the Arab world, and then on to the West. The aim of the annual Pan Asian Number Theory (PANT) Conferences is to encourage research in Number Theory in present day Asia, and especially to foster collaborations among young Asian Number Theorists. This ICTS program will incorporate the fourth PANT Conference, with previous conferences being held in Korea (2009), Japan (2010) and China (2011). The PANT Conference itself, consisting of about 20 one hour invited lectures, will take place over the four days July 23 -27, 2012, inclusive. It will be preceded by an Instructional Workshop from July 17-22, aimed at presenting in detail for graduate students and non-specialists what is known about the Bloch-Kato conjectures for the Riemann zeta function at the odd positive integers. The final day of the Workshop, meant as a transitional day into the Conference, will feature a series of three lectures on some major topic of current research in Number Theory.

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