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Vatsal (IIT Bombay)
Date & Time
Wed, 27 September 2023, 14:00 to 15:30
Feynman Lecture Hall and Online

 Most thermal free energy computations for the fermionic U(N) Chern—Simons theory in the large-N limit have been computed using the light-cone gauge. We present our calculation in the 'temporal' gauge and demonstrate perfect agreement with the light-cone gauge results on ℝ² at large [arXiv:2307.11020]. This provides a key consistency check and paves the way for the computation of the thermal free energy on a genus-g Reimann surface, particularly a finite-sized sphere, which is awkward in the light-cone gauge but more natural in the 'temporal' gauge. We can now investigate the conjectured duality between fermions coupled to U(N) Chern—Simons theories and bosons coupled to level-rank dual Chern—Simons theories in 3D on general manifolds and possibly at the leading order in 1/N. This is a part of the ongoing work.

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