gap> ColorPrompt(true); gap> 1/0; Error, Rational operations: must not be zero not in any function at *stdin*:3 you can replace via 'return ;' brk> ColorPrompt(false); brk> 1/0; Error, Rational operations: must not be zero not in any function at *errin*:2 you can replace via 'return ;' brk_2> quit; brk> quit; gap> LoadPackage("laguna"); true gap> G := DihedralGroup(16); gap> ZG := GroupRing(Integers, G); gap> QG := GroupRing(Rationals, G); gap> FG := GroupRing(GF(2), G); gap> IsGroupAlgebra(ZG); false gap> IsGroupAlgebra(QG); true gap> i := Embedding(G, ZG); FLMLORWithOne( Integers, ... ) > gap> z := MinimalGeneratingSet(Center(G))[1]; f4 gap> z in ZG; false gap> MinimalGeneratingSet(Center(G)); [ f4 ] gap> z := MinimalGeneratingSet(Center(G))[1]; f4 gap> z^i in ZG; true gap> a := First(Elements(G), g -> Order(g) = 8); f2 gap> v := z^i + a^i; (1)*f2+(1)*f4 gap> IsSymmetric(v); false gap> IsSymmetric(v+Involution(v)); true gap> IsSymmetric(v*Involution(v)); true gap> Augmentation(v); 2 gap> v^-1; fail gap> b := First(Elements(G), g -> Order(g) = 2 and not g in Center(G)); f1 gap> x := v - b^i; (-1)*f1+(1)*f2+(1)*f4 gap> Augmentation(x); 1 gap> x^-1; (1/3)* of ...+(-1/3)*f1+(1/3)*f2+(1/3)*f3+(1/3)*f4+(-1/3)*f1*f2+(-1/ 3)*f1*f3+(2/3)*f1*f4+(1/3)*f2*f3+(-2/3)*f2*f4+(-2/3)*f3*f4+(2/3)*f1*f2*f3+(2/ 3)*f1*f2*f4+(-1/3)*f1*f3*f4+(1/3)*f2*f3*f4+(-1/3)*f1*f2*f3*f4 gap> x^-1 in ZG; false gap> x^-1 in QG; false gap> j := Embedding(G, QG); AlgebraWithOne( Rationals, ... ) > gap> x := a^j + z^j - b^j; (-1)*f1+(1)*f2+(1)*f4 gap> x^-1 in QG; true gap> BicyclicUnitOfType(a^i, b^i); Error, Variable: 'BicyclicUnitOfType' must have a value not in any function at *stdin*:32 gap> BicyclicUnitOfType1(a^i, b^i); (1)* of ... gap> u1 := BicyclicUnitOfType2(a^i, b^i); (1)* of ... gap> u1 := BicyclicUnitOfType2(b^i, a^i); (1)* of ...+(-1)*f2+(-1)*f1*f2+(1)*f2*f3*f4+(1)*f1*f2*f3*f4 gap> u := u1*b^i; (1)*f1+(1)*f2+(1)*f1*f2+(-1)*f2*f3*f4+(-1)*f1*f2*f3*f4 gap> Order(u); 2 gap> BassCyclicUnit(a^i, 3); (-8)* of ...+(-6)*f2+(9)*f4+(6)*f2*f3+(6)*f2*f4+(-6)*f2*f3*f4 gap> LoadPackage("wedderga"); #I You may wish to install the xgap package #I and enjoy the graphic capabilities of SONATA. ___________________________________________________________________________ / ___ || / \ /\ Version2.8 || || || |\ | / \ /\ Erhard Aichinger \___ || || |\\ | /____\_____________/__\ Franz Binder \ || || | \\ | / \ || / \ Juergen Ecker || \___/ | \\ | / \ || / \ Peter Mayr || | \\| / \ || Christof Noebauer \___/ | \| || System Of Nearrings And Their Applications Info: ____ | / \ / --+-- Version 3.14 / | | |\\ //| | | _ | | | \\ // | the GUAVA Group | \ | | |--\\ //--| \ || | | \\ // | \___/ \___/ | \\// | ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Loading Wedderga 4.9.3 (Wedderga) by Gurmeet Kaur Bakshi (, Osnel Broche Cristo (, Allen Herman (, Alexander Konovalov (, Sugandha Maheshwary (, Gabriela Olteanu (, Aurora Olivieri (, Angel del Rio (, and Inneke Van Gelder ( Homepage: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── true gap> WedderburnDecomposition(GroupRing(Rationals, CyclicGroup(3))); [ Rationals, CF(3) ] gap> WedderburnDecompositionInfo(GroupRing(Rationals, CyclicGroup(3))); [ [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, CF(3) ] ] gap> WedderburnDecompositionInfo(GroupRing(GF(5), CyclicGroup(3))); [ [ 1, 5 ], [ 1, 25 ] ] gap> WedderburnDecompositionInfo(GroupRing(GF(7), CyclicGroup(3))); [ [ 1, 7 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 1, 7 ] ] gap> WedderburnDecomposition(GroupRing(Rationals, QuaternionGroup(8))); [ Rationals, Rationals, Rationals, Rationals, ] gap> WedderburnDecompositionInfo(GroupRing(Rationals, QuaternionGroup(8))); [ [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals, 4, [ 2, 3, 2 ] ] ] gap> ?WedderburnDecompositionInfo Help: Showing `Wedderga: #[22m#[34mWedderburnDecompositionInfo#[0m' gap> SetHelpViewer("firefox"); gap> ?WedderburnDecompositionInfo Help: Showing `Wedderga: #[22m#[34mWedderburnDecompositionInfo#[0m' gap> SetHelpViewer("screen"); gap> WedderburnDecompositionWithDivAlgParts(GroupRing(Rationals, QuaternionGroup(8))); [ [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, Rationals ], [ 1, rec( Center := Rationals, DivAlg := true, LocalIndices := [ [ 2, 2 ], [ infinity, 2 ] ], SchurIndex := 2 ) ] ] gap> S3 := SymmetricGroup(3); Sym( [ 1 .. 3 ] ) gap> QS3 := GroupRing(Rationals, S3); gap> idems := PrimitiveCentralIdempotentsByCharacterTable(QS3); [ (1/6)*()+(-1/6)*(2,3)+(-1/6)*(1,2)+(1/6)*(1,2,3)+(1/6)*(1,3,2)+(-1/6)*(1,3), (2/3)*()+(-1/3)*(1,2,3)+(-1/3)*(1,3,2), (1/6)*()+(1/6)*(2,3)+(1/6)*(1,2)+(1/ 6)*(1,2,3)+(1/6)*(1,3,2)+(1/6)*(1,3) ] gap> IsCompleteSetOfOrthogonalIdempotents(idems); Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from NoMethodFound Error, no 1st choice method found for `IsCompleteSetOfOrthogonalIdempotents' o\ n 1 arguments at /home/andreas/.opt/gap-4.9.3/lib/methsel2.g:250 called from ( ) called from read-eval loop at *stdin*:54 you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or you can 'return;' to continue brk> quit; gap> IsCompleteSetOfOrthogonalIdempotents(QS3, idems); true gap> IsCompleteSetOfOrthogonalIdempotents(QS3, [One(QS3)]); true gap> LogTo();